Tag Archives: Serbia

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Belgrade, Serbia

According to abbreviationfinder, Belgrade is the capital of the Republic of Serbia and the largest and most populous city in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. It is believed to be the oldest city in the world. Located at the confluence of the Sava River with the Danube and on the border of the Pannonian plain with the Balkan Peninsula, Belgrade extends over an… Read More »

Attractions in Serbia

Serbia – places of interest Serbia has a large number of the most diverse attractions to offer to its visitors. Visit shoefrantics.com for Serbia a surprising and hospitable destination. Absolutely worth seeing is the capital of the country, Belgrade. The city has a very old and exciting history that is more than seven thousand years old.… Read More »

5 Must for Tourists in Belgrade

As a tourist in Serbia who has chosen Belgrade as one of your destinations, there will be things that you simply must not miss. Now we know that all people who go out and travel have different perceptions of what they want to do on their travels. What the tourist will do in beautiful and… Read More »